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    Thursday 4 January 2018

    How To Fix Your Website When It Gets Hacked?

    How To Fix Your Website When It Gets Hacked?

    How To Fix Your Website When It Gets Hacked?
    Keep Your Site Safe :)

    Well you always hear about website hacking and other related stuff. Well it is not unusual for sites even that the sites with lots of protection to get hacked. The major problem in these days is security. And if your websites has been hacked it will cause huge damage to your website in many other ways. You might lose all your data, or the ranking of your site will become zero due to the malevolent activity. So while you can episodic backups, you can’t prevent one to hack your website. In these circumstance anyone want to know what they have to do? So you have to recover your website ASAP so that the effect of the attack is neutralized.
    Below are some tips shared by Google, which you should use for getting your website back on track after it has been hacked.

    Clean up malicious scripts:

    Your site can be attacked by hackers for any number of motives. From sorting you website and deleting any unaccessory contents and simply adding back-links discreetly, there are many things that can be done. If you are seeing suspicious contents and unnecessary activities on your site do not ignore them, delete those pages on the spot but do not just stop there.
    Hackers will frequently put in some malicious scripts into your HTML and PHP files. These scripts might start creating mischief back-links or even new pages. Be sure that you check your website’s source code and see for any malicious PHP or JavaScript code that could be the source of these type of contents.

    Maintain your CMS:

    The usual cause of hacking of a website is due to vulnerabilities in a CMS that get patched with some or most-of updates. Your website is more at risk to attack if you are using an older version of CMS. Be sure to keep your CMS up-to-date and always use a strong password for login. For higher security enable two step verification for login process.

    WWW vs. non-WWW:

    There is a big difference between WWW and non;WWW URLs. http://www.PAKBlogger.com is not the same as http://PAKBlogger.com the ex- refers to a sub domain “WWW”, whereas the latter is the root of you site. While checking malicious contents, make sure that you check all non-WWW versions of yur website because hackers always try to hide their content in the folders which will be overlooked by the webmaster.

    Other useful security tips:

    1. Do not try to use FTP while transferring files to your server. FTP does not encrypt any traffic, including password. Instead using of FTP you should use SFTP, which will encrypt each and everything, including your password, as a protection against eavesdroppers exploratory network traffic.
    2. Also check the permission on sensitive files just like .htaccess. One who provides you hosting in short hosting provider will be able to help you if you need. You can use the file .htaccess to improve and protect your website but it will also be the source of malicious contents or the source from where your site will be hacked if they are able to gain access to it.
    3. Always take a look at the new and unfamiliar users on your website in your administrative panel and any other place where there may be users that can modify your site.

    How To Fix Your Website When It Gets Hacked?

    If there is anything troubling you feel free to let us know we will do our best to help you in any way stay blessed :)

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