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    Thursday 4 January 2018

    5 Major Differences Between A Blog And Website

    5 Major Differences Between A Blog And Website:

    5 Major Differences Between A Blog And Website
    5 Major Differences Between A Blog And Website

    Contrasts the middle of a blog also a website would profoundly searched on today's web coliseum. Blogging/blog terms would around there extremely utilized around those net, that huge numbers of newbie’s get stuck on the purpose here. With the goal we thought the reason also those essential contrasts the middle of the two approaches Eventually Tom's perusing which we can publish our material on the web.
    To summarize, blog is a sort of a website (Web log= Blog). Website is a general term. (Site on web=website). You could have listened about the dynamic sites and static sites.
    As the saying goes: “All apples are fruits but not all fruits are apples.”
    Similarly, “All blogs are websites but not all websites are blogs.”
    Well let us explain more difference between website and blog.

    Blog vs. Website:

    According to the Wikipedia:

     A blog is a type of website or the parts of different websites which needs to be change in time to time. Examples of blogs are famous news magazines such as buzz-feed, tech-crunch, Life-hacker or news sites such as The New York Times, CNN, BCC etc. that publish stories on daily basis. Or even sites ran by persons on a specific role such as this blog!
    Whereas a website is a collection of related web pages including multimedia, content, typically identified with a common domain name, and published on at least one web server Examples of websites is everything that exists on! Because a website is the mother term given to all sites that you browse online including the blogs. Whether it may be social media networks like Face book/Twitter or E-commerce sites such as eBay, Amazon, Alibaba or community forums such as stack overflow, Google forums or Quora.
    On Blog there is a word post and every new post has a new page but on website if you want a new page for some content you have to create a new page and link it carefully. One more think website’s content and sorting and updating is a little bit difficult and the order by which the information is presented could not be later changed.
    That’s where the blog started to gain popularity on blog you can easily do whatever you want to do. Well you have been familiar to the dashboard of a Blog you can either edit a post after publishing and delete it and you also can view it that how it is actually looked like. So know you can tell that both website and blogs are totally in different league. Let’s talk about them a little more.

    Blogs vs. Website What’s the Difference:

    There are 5 major differences in between blogs and webpages you all must know about. So take a closer look to the below topics.

         1:    A Blog Contains a Comment Form:

    If you ever happen to saw comment form at the bottom of a webpage, know that you are reading a blog. The comment form in blogs is great help for readers they can interact with the author through comment form easily and ask him queries regarding the blog post.
    These comment forms could be simple text boxes with fields for Name, Website/Email, and Text field. Or it might be possible that there will be a third party comment plug-in powered by Diqus, Facebook or Google+.

         2:    You Can Subscribe To a Blog For Updates:

    Blogs also have a subscribe form in the bottom of main page. Blogs are more like newspapers. Covering a huge range of topics and publishing several articles every often. The readers who want to stay up-to-date with latest blog posts they can subscribe to the blog through their email.
    Feed-burner, Awber or Mail-chimp and many more different email delivery systems are used by Blog administrator to send email updates to their visitors.

         3:    Blog Articles are Organized By Categories & Tags:

    Thanks to the use of Categories and tags Blogs have been providing great navigation to its visitors. Author can classify the blog topics into different groups with the help of Categories and he also can classify the topics into sub- groups with the help of tags. Categories and tags are great help to those who want to read in which they are interested and can skip the others just like the newspaper.
    If you observe our blog menu at the top, you will find that, we have organized our content into different labels/categories. This helps you to better navigate our site.

         4:    Blog Content is always Displayed In reverse-chronological order:

    In a blog the display method for posts and comments are the same that they will show the new one at the above and the oldest one at the bottom so the visitors can reach the newly published posts on homepage and easily.

         5:    Unlike a Website, a Blog Can Be Managed by a Single Author:

    You don’t need a big team to manage a blog. This is a big reason why blogs have become the appropriate source of online earning in these days for those people who want to share their knowledge with others. Blogs can be managed by a single author unlike a website. But you can increase the numbers of authors who can publish new articles on blog. So create a blog and start earning you can start a blog without worrying about coding part. You don’t need not worry about anything about server FTP or anything which you must use in developing a website.

    5 Major Differences Between A Blog And Website:

    If there is anything troubling you feel free to let us know we will do our best to help you in any way stay blessed :) and also share this knowledge with others.

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