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    Tuesday 9 January 2018

    How To Check For Duplicate Content Copied From Your Site?

    How To Check For Duplicate Content Copied From Your Site?:

    Well as you know that there are some newbies who did not know about anything and start blogging. So for their posts on blog they don't have any stuff to post and they might start copying there stuff from other blogs. And it might be possible that someone who do not want to work hard but stay still and make money, they are the one who are getting on nerves, so find them and report them.

    So today we are going to tell you that how you can find that one who is copying your content from your site. So here we go:

    There are two ways to check for duplicate content copied from your site.

    1:     intitle operator:

    Well if there is someone who is copying your contents and stuff you uploaded, then there might be chances that he is copying the titles will be the same as yours. You can search Google for your titles by using the intitle search operator. For example, if we are searching the duplicate contents of this post, we have to use it like this: "intitle:How To Check For Duplicate Content Copied From Your Site?" But there are chances that there will be some websites who have the same title for there posts but there contents will be different. But if there is someone who is copying your stuff you can find him with this method.

    2:     inurl search operator:

    The second method to find the duplicate contents are inurl search operator you just have to the same: For example: "inurl:how_to_check_for_duplicate_content_copied_from_your_site?" 
    With these two methods it is 100% sure that you can catch bots, because content copied automatically will mostly also include similar URL structure. Some people sometimes change the title of the post but some did not change which make it easy to catch them.

    How To Check For Duplicate Content Copied From Your Site?:

    If there is anything troubling you feel free to let us know we will do our best to help you in any way stay blessed :) and also share this knowledge with others :)

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