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    Wednesday 27 December 2017

    Top 5 SEO Skills You Must Learn

    Top 5 SEO Skills You Must Learn:

    Asalam-o-Alaikum! Guys how are you? Pak Blogger is here with another amazing trick for you for new year. As you know in every new year you must learn new tricks so please pay attention to the post to the end.
    Top 5 SEO Skills You Must Learn
    Top 5 SEO Skills You Must Learn 

    I am here with new stuff to learn about. As you know that in new year you must need new skills for SEO to keep up the change and keep surviving.
    Here are some new skills about SEO you must learn.

    Public Relation:

    As you know that in present everything is about public relation. The relation between you and public must be strong, its a personal advice for your website because todays customer is very difficult to handel than before.
    With good public relation you can built strong links. Make every single thing user friendly, provide good service to the customer so he will enjoy his self on your website then a strong and powerful link will be establishes among other users and you.


    Searching a key word or any other content; research has been become an important step with SEO. SEO developers all around the world are working on developing a SEO which is more user friendly for example how everyone search on google. This goes a lot deeper than regular keyword research. In present SEO must understand what types of questions users are asking, not just the words are relevant to the pages.

    Taxonomy Design:

    Practice of classifying things at a conceptual level is what we call Taxonomy i.e. labels of your blog and Tags and Categories for WordPress. It looks like it is very simple but there is more to them than meets they eye. Just imagine that an online store which sales computer laptops and other accessories. May be you start organizing your inventory around product types. But may be your aim demographic searches for products by type of use. Only a little percentage of this demographic that might include enthusiast gamers might search specifically for gaming products, so there might be a need for more classification. As you know there are many other ways to classify your products in some are better or whatever just forget about it you know what I mean to say.
    Now the question which arise is this that why the taxonomy design is so important for your SEO?
    With hummingbird, mobile search and other types of searches trends, defining concepts are more important in nowadays than before. Because for other important elements such as content development, information architecture and other keyword research, Taxonomy design can be the best foundation.

    Community Management:

    With brand building and social media management community management has become more important task in nowadays. A robust community at hands means more exposure for you brand, and a deep link with potential consumers. With Google's ever increasing dependence on Google+ as a platform, community management is becoming an important part of SEO. Sites with strong Google+ profile will get more exposure and tend to rank higher.

    HTML Structured Data:

    It goes without saying that a basic understanding of HTML is valuable asset to SEO  Meta, title and anchor tags are the traditional on-page SEO  HTML elements. However, now Google is putting more emphasis on structured data and authorship. Both of which unique HTML tags to implement.

    Top 5 SEO Skills You Must Learn:

    Is there anything troubling you can ask question frankly without any hesitations we will help you in way the best we can.

    Thanks for visiting our site please share this knowledge with others as a token of humanity thanks.

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