• Breaking News

    Sunday 15 October 2017

    How To Protect Wordpress Website From Hacking

    Protect Your Wordpress Website From Hackers Attack.

    Is Your Website/Blog  On Wordpress? Do you ever think about you website security? If Not Then You have to think now Because according to farbes 30 thousand website hacked daily by hackers. So Now A days its a big challenge in front of you the security of your website. Most word press websites are self hosted and its easy to hack self hosted website. If your website is self hosted then you have to work for your website security.

    How to Protect your website from hacking.

    10 Killer Tips to Protect Website From Hacking

    Here We will explain and told you 10 tips to protect your website from hacking.

    1. Change Login Page Url

    First of All you have to change your site login page url. Every wordpress website have default admin panel url wp-admin so anyone can get access to your login page and attack on your website so its necessary for you to change your website login page url.There are many plugin to for this I personally recommend wpshidelogin.

    2. Use Limit Login Attempts

    install limit login attempts plugin. So if some get you acess to you login panel and try to login you will get email and if he attemt more login then limits the plugin will be turn off login for a period of time. the best limit login attempts plugin is Loginlockdown.

    3. Use Strong Password

    Use strong Password to protect website From Hacking. Because weak password are easy to guess and your website may hack easily.

    4. Backup Your Website Regularly

    Always backup your Website regularly. In case your website get hacked so you will restore your backup and will be back

    Stay blessed yar wait for more tips and tricks.

    And in last if you like my post then share it with your friends, well its not an issue for me you don't share it with your friends but I think its a job of an honest man/woman girl/boy :p to tell others about anything informative they know be happy all the best.

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